The Political Elections in Georgia and the Lessons of History, The Georgian - Russian Treaty of May 1920
Türkçe Tercüme From Irakli II to Irakli Kobakhidze... Nothing has changed in Georgia since 1771... Political elections were held in Georgia last weekend. There were no surprises in the election results. As expected, the Georgian Dream party, founded by Bidzina Ivanishvili in 2012 and aiming to keep the country in Russia's orbit, won. The agenda in Georgia is currently dominated by protests and objections to the election results. However, as expected, everything will soon go on as in the past and Georgia will be under the shadow of Russian imperialism, as it had happened many times in its history.
King Irakli II
It is not a far-fetched assumption that the current troubles in the Caucasus can be traced back to King Irakli II's invitation of Russia to Georgia in 1771, requesting its patronage. What could be the difference between Irakli II, who persistently begged for Russia's protection from 1771 until 1783, and the 33 years of efforts to put the independence achieved in 1991 under Russia's bondage? This tradition started with King Irakli, but was not limited to him or his contemporary namesake Irakli Kobahidze. One of the most striking examples of Russian patronage in Georgian history occurred in May 1920. Although dozens of historical experiences proved that Georgia's independence was out of the question unless the Caucasus became completely free at a time when the Russian Empire was disintegrating and the Caucasian peoples' hopes for freedom were flourishing, the Menshevik government in Georgia, led by Noe Jordania, signed a diabolical secret treaty with the Bolshevik Russians and dreamed that they could remain independent while the Bolshevik Russian empire was being built around them. They facilitated the Russian Bolshevik victory in the Caucasus, believing that they could claim the lands of their neighbors that the Russian Bolsheviks had bribed them with. When the Caucasian Highlanders in the North resisted the Bolshevik occupation, Menshevik Georgians carried on committing historical crimes, which a few months later would lead them to hand over Tbilisi to the Russian Bolsheviks. Indeed, when they ceded Tbilisi to the Russian Bolsheviks on February 25, 1921, they paved the way for the entire Caucasus to once again fall under Russian hegemony.
Noe JordaniaGrigol Uratadze
Today, as we share with you the negotiations behind this diabolical treaty and the documents of the treaty, we will reveal one of the most striking examples of Georgia's consistent historical mistakes: (By clicking on the links in the images below, you can access the complete documentation in our archive)
Treaty between Georgia and Russia, 7 May 1920 (Click on the image to access the original file)Documents related to the treaty between Georgia and Russia, 1919-1920 (Click on the image to access the original file)TREATY BETWEEN GEORGIA AND RUSSIA The Democratic Republic of Georgia, on the one hand, and the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, on the other hand, animated by the common desire to establish between the two countries stable and peaceful relations for the well-being of the populations of both countries, have decided to conclude, for this purpose, a special treaty and have appointed as their plenipotentiaries: The Government of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, Mr. Grigol URATADZE, and the Government of the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic, Mr. Leon Mikhaylovich KARAKHAN, Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs. The aforesaid plenipotentiaries, having reciprocally communicated their full powers and having recognized them as entitling the above-mentioned persons to sign the present treaty, have agreed on the following articles:
Article I Based on the right of all peoples, proclaimed by the Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, to self-determination up to and including complete separation from the State of which they are a part, Russia recognizes without reservation the independence and sovereignty of the Georgian State and voluntarily renounces all sovereign rights which belonged to Russia in respect of the Georgian people and territory.
Article II Based on the principles proclaimed in the preceding Article I of the present Treaty, Russia undertakes to renounce any intervention in Georgia's internal affairs.
Article III The State border between Georgia and Russia runs from the Black Sea along the Psou River to Mount Akhakhtcha, crosses Mount Akhakhtcha and Mount Agapet, follows the northern boundary of the former Black Sea, Kutais and Tiflis governments to the Zakatala district and the eastern boundary of this district to the border of Armenia. 1. All passes situated on the above-mentioned frontier line are declared neutral until January 1, 1922. They may neither be occupied by the troops of either contracting party nor fortified by either party. 2. At the Darial Pass, the neutralization provided for in paragraph a of this Article shall extend to the part of the Pass between Balta and Kobi, at the Mamisson Pass; from Zaramag to Oni, and, to all other passes for a distance of five versts on each side of the point where the frontier passes. 3. The exact course of the State frontier between the two contracting parties shall be determined by a special Mixed Frontier Commission consisting of an equal number of representatives from each party. The results of the work of this Commission shall be recorded in a special treaty to be concluded between the two contracting parties.
Article IV 1.Russia undertakes to recognize without reservation, as included in the Georgian State, in addition to the parts of the Black Sea Government assigned to Georgia, under the first paragraph of Article III of the present Treaty, the following governments and regions of the former Russian Empire: Tiflis, Kutais and Batum, with all the districts and arrondissements forming the said governments and regions, as well as the districts of Zakatala and Sukhum. 2. As and when, in the future, the relations of Georgia are established with States other than Russia, existing or which may come into being, and bordering on Georgia by frontiers other than that stipulated in the preceding Article III of the present Treaty, Russia declares herself ready to recognize as belonging to Georgia such or such other part of the former Vice-Royalty of the Caucasus as may return to her by treaties concluded with these States.
Article V Granting the request of Russia that henceforth no military operation, no stay of troops, or other facts likely to create on the territory of Georgia a situation threatening its independence or likely to transform the territory of Georgia into a base for operations directed against the Russian Socialist Federative Republic or against its allies, or the public order established there, Georgia undertakes: 1. To disarm immediately and to intern in concentration camps the military or naval units, detachments, and groups claiming to be the government of Russia, or one of its parts or States allied to Russia, as well as the representations and officials, organizations, and groups whose aim is to overthrow the Government of Russia or its Allies or which are on the territory of Georgia at the time of the signature of the present Treaty and which may subsequently enter it. 2. To disarm immediately and to intern all vessels belonging to the navy of the organizations and groups mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article and located in the ports of Georgia, as well as those which, for any reason, are in the ports, at the disposal of these organizations and groups. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall apply in full to the crews of these vessels. 3. To transfer to Russia free of charge and without requiring any compensation all military and naval property without exception, assets and funds, in the possession, use, or at the disposal of the organizations and groups mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article and which by paragraphs 1 and a of the same Article, shall be placed at the disposal of Georgia. The following are considered, under this paragraph, as military and naval property: vessels and other floating equipment, all equipment in general of artillery, quartermaster (including stocks of food and equipment), engineers, and aviation. To hand over to Russia, after their disarmament, the units, organizations, and groups as well as the crews mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article. Note - Russia guarantees the safety of all those handed over to her under this Article. 4. To take measures to remove from the territory of Georgia included within the limits fixed in Article IV of this Treaty all troops and military detachments not belonging to the national troops of Georgia. 5. To take measures to prohibit henceforth the stay in the territory of Georgia of the troops and military detachments listed in paragraph 5 of this Article. 6. To prohibit persons belonging to the units, organizations, and groups listed in paragraphs 1 and 5 of this Article, provided that such persons are not Georgian nationals, from entering in any capacity, inter alia as volunteers, into the troops of the Government of Georgia. 7. To prohibit henceforth the formation and stay in its territory, within the limits outlined in Article IV of this Treaty, of any groups and organizations claiming to be the government of Russia or any part thereof, or to be the government of States allied to Russia, as well as of representations and officials, organizations and groups whose aim is to overthrow the government of Russia or its Allies; Georgia also undertakes not to permit the transportation by the above-mentioned organizations, groups, representations and officials through the territory of Georgia of anything that may be used to attack Russia or its Allies, and to prohibit the stay in its ports and waters of vessels and other floating material of such organizations, except in the case of ships in distress and other cases provided for by international law. 8. Should the organizations, groups, representations, and officials referred to in the preceding paragraph 8 of this Article attempt to violate the prohibition mentioned in this paragraph 8, the persons and property that the Georgian Government undertakes to arrest by the obligations assumed by it by paragraph 8 of this Article shall be dealt with as agreed in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the said Article.
Article VI Russia undertakes not to permit on her territory the stay and activity of any groups and organizations claiming to be the Government of Georgia or any part thereof, as well as any groups and organizations whose object is the overthrow of the Government of Georgia. Russia undertakes to use all her influence over her Allies to ensure that the groups and organizations referred to in the present Article are not admitted to their territory.
Article VII To avoid any misunderstanding, the two Contracting Parties declare themselves in agreement that, during the execution of paragraphs 5 and 6 of Article V of the present Treaty, in those parts of the territory of Georgia which are to be assigned to her under paragraph a of Article IV of the said Treaty, after the delimitation of the frontiers of Georgia with the adjacent countries other than Russia, the indispensable security measures shall, in such cases, be taken by Georgia as soon as possible after she has assumed the formal exercise of her sovereignty in any of these territories.
Article VIII A Joint Commission comprising an equal number of representatives from each of the parties is hereby established to ensure 3-the strict execution of Articles V and VI of this Treaty and for the delivery and reception of the persons and goods referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the aforementioned Article V. The Commission shall determine the order of its work. The delivery and receipt of the persons and property referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article V of the present Treaty shall be completed within two months from the date of signature of the said Treaty.
Article IX 1. Persons of Georgian origin, residing in the territory of Russia and having reached the age of 18, shall have the right to opt for Georgian nationality. Conversely, persons of non-Georgian origin residing in the territory of Georgia and having reached the age indicated above shall have the right to opt for Russian nationality. 2. The details relating to the execution of the present Article shall be fixed by a special convention to be concluded between the two Contracting Parties. 3. Nationals of both Contracting Parties wishing to benefit from the rights conferred on them by this Article shall be required to complete the formalities to which they are subject within one year from the entry into force of the Convention referred to in the preceding paragraph a of this Article.
Article Х Georgia undertakes to release from the penalties incurred and from judicial or administrative proceedings all persons subject to such proceedings, on the territory of Georgia, for acts committed in the interests of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic or those of the Communist Party. Note: Georgia undertakes to release immediately persons imprisoned for the above-mentioned acts.
Article XI Each of the Contracting Parties undertakes to recognize and respect the flag and coat of arms of the other Party, as the emblem of a friendly State. The designs of the flag and coat of arms, as well as any modifications which may subsequently be made thereto, shall be communicated to each other through diplomatic channels.
Article XII Pending the conclusion between the two contracting parties of a commercial treaty, which shall be the subject, as soon as possible, of the necessary measures, economic relations between Georgia and Russia shall be provisionally regulated by the following general provisions: 1. The two contracting parties shall establish, as the basis of their commercial relations, the principle of the most-favored nation. 2. Goods coming from or destined for one of the contracting parties shall not be subject to any transit duties or taxes by the other party.
Article ХІІІ The provisions of paragraphs 1 and a of the preceding Article XII of the present Treaty shall serve as a basis for the commercial treaty to be concluded between the two Contracting Parties under the same Article XII.
Article XIV Diplomatic and consular relations between Georgia and Russia shall be established as soon as possible. Pending the conclusion between the two Contracting Parties of a special Convention regulating the reciprocal status of consuls, a Convention which shall be the subject of the necessary measures, the rights and obligations of the latter shall be determined by the regulations in force existing for this purpose in each of the Contracting Parties.
Article XV The solution of questions arising in matters of public or private law between the citizens of the two Contracting Parties, as well as the settlement of certain particular questions between the two States, shall be entrusted to special mixed Russo-Georgian Commissions which shall be set up as soon as possible after the signature of the present Treaty. The composition, rights, and obligations of these Commissions shall be determined by special instructions drawn up for each Commission by agreement between the two Contracting Parties. The competence of these Commissions shall extend, among others, to the following objects: 1. Preparation of the trade treaty and other economic agreements 2. Settlement of questions concerning the distribution of archives and current affairs, judicial and administrative deposits, and civil status documents in the former Central Institutions. 3. Settlement of the question of the mode of use, possession, and disposal of the Batum-Baku pipeline, as regards that part which, by Article IV of the present Treaty, will be located in the territory of Georgia. This question shall be settled subsequently through a special agreement between the two Contracting Parties
Article XVI The present Treaty shall enter into force upon its very fact and from the moment of its signature without any special ratification being necessary.
In faith whereof the plenipotentiaries of both parties have signed this Treaty with their own hands and have thereto affixed their seals. Done in duplicate at Moscow, this May, one thousand nine hundred and twenty.
Signatures: G. URATADZE, L. KARARHAN *-*-*-*-* The chauvinist mentality that supports the Georgian Dream party, which has brought Georgia into Russia's orbit and hopes to gain relative power in Abkhazia, hoping that in return, the Russian protectorate in Abkhazia will disappear, does not realize that the result will be only “go farther and fare worse”.
It is futile to cry if they close the stable door after the horse has bolted... Those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. Cem Kumuk Istanbul, 29 October 2024
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